The long awaited Ah-ha’s of planning a Heritage Journey – the secret sauce!

The Ah-ha’s are the things I’ve learned after nearly 25 years in the travel industry – the last several of which have been planning Heritage Journeys for families with internationally adopted children. Some of this information comes from research, some comes from personal experience and some comes from former clients sharing their experiences with me. And I’m excited to share this information with you!

The Ah-ha’s of planning a Heritage Journey!

The most important thing to remember is that each family and every family member is different. There are different budgets, preferences and needs that should be considered before embarking on any trip—particularly one as important as a Heritage Journey! When planning a Heritage Journey for a family, I consider the following concepts critical:

  • The order of experiences and how each experience might affect members of the family. I want to think through the potential emotional triggers so I understand how to avoid trauma and reaction whenever possible. The more I can predict potential triggers, the easier they are deal with.
  • The comfort of each traveler, which I consider paramount to rejuvenation, connection and reflection of your experiences.
  • The use of adventure activities in order to introduce adrenaline and oxytocin–which builds self-esteem, and offers a platform for bonding.
  • Rich cultural interactions that facilitate a deeper understanding and connection to the people and culture of the country you are visiting.

A Heritage Journey can be a powerful and rewarding experience for families with internationally adopted children and coming up with a plan that works for your family is essential.

This could potentially be the most important trip you ever plan for your family. Make sure it leaves you all with years of positive memories!

Now go explore your child’s birth country! And if you’d like to talk about your options, I’d be thrilled to help. You can schedule a call with me

Bambi Wineland is the mother of two internationally adopted children, a traveler, the Founder and CEO of Motherland Travel. Motherland Travel designs Heritage Journeys for families with internationally adopted children. The emphasis of these Heritage Journeys is on family bonding, building self-esteem and cultivating pride in a family’s multi-cultural heritage. Read more about her here >>

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