I know summer is still here and kids are JUST getting back into school, but now is the time to begin planning your holiday travels.

My son and I just returned from an amazing trip to Guatemala (more on that trip in the next couple of weeks) and it instilled in me once again the value of taking your child back to his or her birth country. A Heritage Journey should:

  • Deepen family connections
  • Build self-esteem, confidence and positive identity
  • Develop strong cultural connections
  • Create life-changing experiences and lasting memories

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, birth country travel does NOT have to be about birth family searches. So if you’re not ready for that, don’t do it! Holiday travel can be all about fun and your willingness to explore your child’s birth country will go far in helping your adopted child have a stronger sense of belonging – in both worlds.

A well planned birth country trip is so much more important than simply finding your child’s birth family. As I said above, it can used as a tool for personal growth, family transformation and building deep, rich connections.

So if you are ready to begin planning your holiday travels, including a visit to your child’s birth country, please schedule a 30-minute Discovery Session with me at www.calendly.com/bambi. I’d LOVE to help you design a trip that will create positive transformation in your family!

My best, 

Bambi Wineland is the mother of two internationally adopted children, a traveler, a Certified Professional Coach, and the Founder and CEO of Motherland Travel. Motherland Travel began by designing Heritage Journeys for families with internationally adopted children. The emphasis of those Heritage Journeys has always been on deepening family connections, building self-esteem and cultivating pride in a family’s multi-cultural heritage. Motherland Travel also uses the philosophies of transformative Travel for designing family trips with purpose – building rich connections, with each other and the world! Read more about her here >> http://motherlandtravel.com/

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